2014年10月31日 星期五

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention!!(17) - Sam Ka Tsuen

Do you like to go visit in everywhere?
Although Kwun Tong have been develop many new building, there are still historical relic and old village for people to visit.

This time we would like to introduce Lei Yue Mun Sam Ka Tsuen
Not only people who love seafood must go there to try out, people who love photography should go there as well.

It is very easy to go.
It has a sign of Lei Yue Mun in Yau Tong MTR station
It is only one way to go there, which you don't need to worry to get lost.

SPD4459 There are signs to guide you
SPD4459 We saw people training their doggy. 

SPD4459 The view in here is breath-taking
SPD4459 People can also fishing in here

SPD4459 This is the discarded cannon
SPD4459 Another discarded cannon

When you are tired of spending free time in shopping mall, maybe next time you can go there to borden your horizon.

By Rachel from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 第十六回 - 九龍灣零碳天地 綠色生活由你創造

相信大家都有聽過Mega Box架啦, 不過你又知唔知係Mega Box 格離竟然有一片綠洲?? 適逄現時天氣涼涼地,唔洗日日行商場涼冷氣, 係時候親親大自然, 享受一下戶外活動ge樂趣, 而呢個位於九龍灣ge零碳天地就係一個唔錯的選擇, 無論情侶拍拖好去處, 約埋三五知己過一個悠閒ge午後或者一家大小享受家庭樂都十分適合,仲好有教育意義, 從小就開始陪養小朋友ge環保意識,呢個零碳天地絕對係不二之選!

Posted by SPD4459 Student


呢個零碳天地位於九龍灣商廈中心ge一個綠化帶, 來頭唔細架, 佢達到綠色建築環保評核體系BEAM PLUS認證的最高級別 ""白金級認證""!!!! 70%電力由廢食油或生物柴油產生,其餘30%則由屋頂設的太陽能光伏板發電系統供電, 可謂全環保設計, 亦係香港首座零碳建築物。

不得不介紹一下位於零碳天地入面ge露天茶座 Kelly & Moss, 佢地主要係賣天然有機GE食物, 推動同支持可持續發展,例如咖啡及輕盈食品, 除左食物好食, 最主要係食個環境, 只要賣杯咖啡, 就可以坐上2-3個鐘, 一邊嘆住咖啡食住甜品, 一邊感受微微GE涼風吹埋黎,呢種寫意GE生活態度係香港唔係成日可以享受得到, 便何況係鬧市中難得有個咁靚ge地方可以比我地呼吸下新鮮空氣, 人生一大樂也~

Posted by SPD4459 Student
Kelly & Moss 露天茶座

Posted by SPD4459 Student
Kelly & Moss 露天茶座

Posted by SPD4459 Student

Posted by SPD4459 Student
Cappuccino with Desert

地址: 九龍灣常悅道8號

電話: 21009800

原價 $20
優惠價$5 (適用於 60 歲或以上高齡人士及傷健人士))

開放時間: 07:00am – 20:00 pm

資料來源: http://www.hkcic.org/chi/zcb/index.aspx?langType=1028

By Kimmy from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention!!(16) Kowloon Bay CIC Zero Carbon Building - Green living created by you

I believe everyone have been heard Mega box. However, do you know there have an oasis ? The weather is cooling, so it is suitable for us to connect with mother nature and enjoy the outdoor activities. And this Kowloon Bay CIC Zero Carbon Building may be a good choice for dating, meeting with friends or having fun with family. Moreover, this Zero Carbon Building can educate children the environmental awareness.

Posted by SPD4459 Student
Kowloon Bay Zero Carbon Building

Let me explain what is Zero Carbon Building!
This Zero Carbon Building located at Kowloon Bay commercial center. Which achieve the highest level certified of green building environmental assessment system ''BEAM PLUS'', the ''Platinum-level certification''! 70% of the electricity produced form waste cooking oil or biodiesel, and the remaining 30% is form the solar photovoltaic panels power generation system. It is full environmental design. Also is the first Zero Carbon Building in Hong Kong.

On the other hand, you must go to this sidewalk cafe - Kelly & Moss if you go to Kowloon Bay Zero Carbon Building. They mainly sell natural and organic food because they fully support of promoting sustainable development. For example, the light food and coffee. Except enjoy the food, you may also enjoy the great environment here!

Posted by SPD4459 Student
Kelly & Moss 

Posted by SPD4459 Student
Kelly & Moss 

Posted by SPD4459 Student

Posted by SPD4459 Student
Cappuccino with Desert

Address: 8 Sheung Yuet Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: 21009800

Entrance fee (HK$)
Price $20
Student price $10(for full-time students)
Others $5  (for senior aged 60 or above and the disabled)

Opening hours: 07:00am – 20:00 pm
*off on Wednesdays

Sources: http://www.hkcic.org/chi/zcb/index.aspx?langType=1028

By Boey from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

2014年10月30日 星期四

SPD4459 第十五回 - Band房Jam歌"再"體驗




咁我順便POST多一次個地址啦 XD

牛頭角地 鐵站b6出口
6字樓,603, jazz in the city studio

By Korwin from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention!!(15) Music in the house Part 2

What do you think of the last video?

Although we were not very good at it, we just have so many passion for singing.
This time we have prepare another song for you.

The song (The one that got away)sang by our member Rachel.
This song is one of her favorite song of all time.

Everyone who love music can go there to jam a little.

Jazz in the city studio
Address: Room 603, 6/F, Kin Sang Industrial Building, Wai Yip Street 147, Ngau Tau Kok

By Rachel from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

2014年10月29日 星期三

SPD4459 第十四回 - Band房Jam歌初體驗



地址:147 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong

6字樓,603, jazz in the city studio

By Korwin from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention!!(14) - Music in the house Part 1

WooHoo!! Can't wait to know what we are doing?
You can see it right now!
Two of our members Rachel and Korwin sang in the band room.
Although we are not good at it, but we just love doing it.
Warning! It may hurt your ears.

The band room is near Ngau Tau Kok
It only takes seven mins to from Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station
It is very convenience!

Jazz in the city Studio
Address: Room 603, 6/F, Kin Sang Industrial Building, Wai Yip Street 147,  Ngau Tau Kok

By Rachel from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

2014年10月28日 星期二

SPD4459 第十三回 - 觀塘工廈齊齊jam下歌 夾下band

就係我地練緊歌上觀塘 BAND 房度 JAM下歌仔
片呢就未有咁快UPload 到上黎

I guess all of you knew what we have done in the previous post
We are readying for jamming in Kwun Tong Band roon
The videos are waiting for upload
Before watching those video
We are now present to you our tailor!

密切留意 SPD4459 Playattention Blog 嘅更新勒!

I will now recap in English,
Keep following SPD4459 Playattention Blog! Maybe u will find some entertainment in SPD4459 Playattention!

By Korwin from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention(13) Together to have music band!

I guess all of you knew what we have done in the previous post
We are readying for jamming in Kwun Tong Band roon
The videos are waiting for upload
Before watching those video
We are now present to you our tailor!

Nice reminder,
Keep following SPD4459 Playattention Blog! Maybe u will find some entertainment in SPD4459 Playattention!

By Korwin from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

2014年10月27日 星期一

SPD4459 第十二回 - 外傳!黃昏的觀塘碼頭!


SPD4459 知唔知我地搞咩呢?

密切留意 SPD4459 Playattention Blog 嘅更新勒!

By Korwin from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention!!(12) Dusk of Kwun Tong Ferry Pier

Guest what?

What we are doing here?

Keep following SPD4459 Playattention Blog! Maybe u will find some entertainment in SPD4459 Playattention!

By Korwin from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

2014年10月26日 星期日

SPD4459 第十一回 - 鯉魚門瑞香園餅家





By Tommy from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention!!(11) - Lei Yue Mun Daphne Chinese Cake Shops

After having seafood dinner, we suggest you to buy some souvenirs. It is a package of Lei Yue Mun visit!
We propose Chinese cake shop which is just 2 mins walk next to Wai Lung Seafood Restaurant.

Daphne Chinese Cake Shops

Only a few traditional Chinese cake shops are left in Hong Kong The several traditional Chinese cake shops around Lei Yue Mun are very popular. These Chinese cake shops sell freshly baked cakes and snacks such as sesame cakes, almond cakes, phoenix cookies, egg rolls, egg rolls with shredded coconut etc.

The above items are also done when order placed. My favourite item is egg rolls with shredded coconut.
It is really delicious!

Come here to pick up some of them to sisters and brothers!!

By Tommy from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

2014年10月25日 星期六

SPD4459 第十回 - 鯉魚門海鮮美食村 (威龍海鮮酒家)
















By Tommy from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

SPD4459 Hey, Playattention!!(10) Lei Yue Mun Seafood Village (Wai Lung Seafood Restaurant)

If you want to eat seafood, where should you go?
Sai Kung? Lau Fau Shan? or Lei Yue Mun?
I have no doubt that to choose Lei Yue Mun!
The reason is simple:

Lei Yue Mun Seafood Village is just next to MTR Yau Tong Station, Exit A2.  It’s about a 15-minute walk to the restaurant area.

Genuine goods at a fair price
The seafood you choose are ensured by the restaurant that without any leakage. The ordering method is quite unusual: first you buy your fish from a tank in a market stall; then you take it to one of the nearby restaurants, which will prepare it for a fee.

Lei Yue Mun is located at the south-east of the Yau Tong Industrial Area in Kwun Tong. Consisted of 4 villages, the Lei Yue Mun Village has a history of over 150 years, with a total population of about 4 500. Before the 1960s, villagers were mainly farmers, fishermen and miners. The first seafood restaurant was opened in the 1960s and became a quite successful business. Other fishermen followed the footsteps and Lei Yue Mun has gradually become one of the most famous seafood place in the world, attracting thousands of local and overseas visitors every year.

Wai Lung Seafood Restaurant


What a Grand Decoration !

There are lots of Seafood for your to choose. You must able to find the seafood that you like!


You can't imagine you can eat botan shrimp in an Chinese restaurant since it mainly provided in Japanese restaurant.
This is our first time to eat botan shrimp so freshly.

Fried Mantis shrimp! What a masterpiece!

It is my favourate lobster. This time we choose to mix with CHEESE!

A dish of Scallop and abalone can be a difficult to restaurant as the need to manage the time appropriately.

It looks simple but contains rich of seafood in a soup!

17 Hoi Pon Road Central, Lei Yue Mun

MTR Yau Tong Station, Exit A2. Take minibus 24 to Sam Ka Tsuen Ferry Pier and follows the signs. It’s about a 15-minute walk to the restaurant area.

By Tommy from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students

2014年10月23日 星期四

SPD4459 第九回 觀塘Comma Party 主題館~ 帶給你不一樣的快樂:P

最近剛過的10月10日雙十節是台灣的國慶,同時亦是我們其中一位小編Rachel的大日子! 在此再向她說聲生日快樂!!!!!其實在雙十節這天生日真的很幸福,有全國台灣人為你慶祝(^+++^)當然我們也要為 Rachel 的生日慶祝一番~! 所以為她搞了一個生日派對^^
Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
(SPD 4459 _Rachel 公主同生日板合照 )

話說我們有10幾人, 要搵個地方大得黎又可以舒舒服服玩番次嘅選擇真係唔多,唔係唱K,Cafe就係BBQ,一句講哂: 「無新意!」所以今年我地決定要搞搞新意思,來一個不一樣的生日會吧!!! 幸運地我們在觀塘工廠區找到一間專門提供場地給人搞活動嘅地方~!

觀塘 Comma Party 主題館~

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
(SPD4459 觀塘 Comma Party 主題館)

Comma Party 主題館位於觀塘工廠區,鄰近觀塘地鐵站及APM,地方也算方便,擁有約共10000呎的空間,提供派對場地,適合舉辦主題派對、預約攝影、藝術交流、興趣課程、私人宴會等。有20間獨立主題房間,可容納3-400人,配合主題佈置~例如有英倫、日式、希臘、課室、古堡等主題等。

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
SPD4459 觀塘 Comma Party 須知

而我們今次選擇了古堡主題 (因為城堡配公主XD),古堡主題嘅房間可容納15-20人,房間佈置十分漂亮,傢俬配套亦很齊全,還有獨立廚房哦~! 不能不提的就有一個 50" 大電視及提供 X Box 給我們玩~ 感覺就好像一大班朋友聚在家中開Party咁,自由自在做咩都得~!係你租左房間果段時間唔會有外人打擾,私隱度很高哦~!

事不宜遲,同大家分享下個古堡主題同生日派對嘅相先! (^0^)

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
SPD4459 觀塘 Comma Party 古堡主題全景 

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
SPD4459 觀塘 Comma Party 古堡主題武士

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
SPD4459 觀塘 Comma Party 古堡主題盾牌

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
SPD4459 觀塘 Comma Party 古堡主題書櫃上的頭盔

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention
Rachel公主說武士是她的男朋友 -3-

'Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention

Posted by spd4459-kwuntong playattention

(時間可自選, 3小時起, 橫誇時段按比例計算)

時段一 "9:00am - 18:00"
$58/ 3小時/ 位 & $68/ 4小時/位 (其後加時 $150/小時, 以每房計算)

時段二 "18:00 - 2:00am"
$78/ 3小時/ 位 & $88/ 4小時/位 (其後加時 $200/小時, 以每房計算)

時段三 "2:00am - 6:00am"
$88/ 3小時/ 位 & $98/ 4小時/位 (其後加時 $300/小時, 以每房計算)

*12歲以下半價 // 5歲以下免費
**飲品, 餐具, 雪櫃, 焗爐, 微波爐, 電磁爐 (免費提供)

97356464 / 61913938


By Kimmy from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations students